Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Celebration of our Savior's Birth

This time of year I get teary eyed. I think so often and so gratefully that someone was born only to redeem us from sin. I can feel so unworthy until I remember that he came to make me worthy.

It has been a hard time. I had skin cancer surgery. My blood pressure has been very high and I have had fluid in my lungs. These are all the things that were caused by my radiation treatments so many years ago. The doctor said she feels I may be showing signs of congestive heart failure.
Does that scare me? NO. I was granted so many extra years to live....and live I have. I have loved life. I will do all I can to remain here for as long as God expects me to stay. I do not fear death. I am sad to leave behind loved ones and friends. I do not take to heart what the doctor says because I know that only God knows and determines how long I will live.
If I was told I would die tomorrow I would be grateful for all the bonus time I was given. Time to see my son grow up and many other wondrous things. The time has gone so quickly. I hope for more but I am happy for what I have had. I know that there is more to come and I take great comfort in that.

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